About Me


Thanks for stopping by. I’m Cameo - I’m an artist, chef, mother, teacher, set designer… so many things. I love to make art and illustration. I live in Alaska and though many of my designs are not “Alaskan” I am truly influenced by the art, culture, natural beauty and the isolation of living in a rural island community. 

What is CameoAppearanceCreative? 

Cameo Appearance Creative is my space in the world to curate my art. I have never stayed busy with just one medium, or crafty endeavor. My interest runs deep and I am forever experimenting. Cameo Appearance has been my online name for obvious reason. When I meet anyone new and say my name is Cameo the response is always. “Like the appearance?” And I say, “Yes, like the appearance.” So it fits. 

Each new creative idea lends itself to another, I love drawing important women as I relearn history including the women who were so often overlooked. Drawing flowers and food offer stress and anxiety relief, and then my collage and mixed media work allows me to get dirty and destroy things so that I can build them back up. 

I hope you enjoy my work. 

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